
Experience the JOY of raising a healthy and happy family.

JWCC provides you with the best possible care and experience through every step of your health and wellness journey.

Enjoy uncompromising levels of medical service and premier hospitality in a truly outstanding facility and comforting environment. It is our privilege to ensure you have the most outstanding service and care possible.

Your Family.
Our Passion.

Our Medical Professionals

JWCC is home to the best doctors and medical practitioners in Indonesia, specialists in their fields. Everyone is dedicated to delivering excellent patient care at a personal level. Your loved ones are in safe hands.

Our Services

We provide services for the needs of children, mothers and fathers. Exceptional healthcare experience for every part of your family. It’s our dedication. Our services include gynaecology, obstetrics, paediatrics, family practice and many others.

Our Facilities

Discover our state-of-the-art facilities, equipped to provide top-quality healthcare services in a comfortable and modern environment.

We're going beyond healthcare.
Lifestyle is an important aspect in JWCC.

Delivering premier lifestyle with:

Andra matin

Andrea Peresthu

Arief A. Putra

Peggy Hartanto

Nycta Gina


Saya sempat E-consult beberapa kali dengan dokter Lineus, SpA untuk anak-anak saya. Benar-benar merasa terbantu banget dengan layanan ini apalagi di masa pandemi seperti sekarang.

Prosesnya mudah, cukup daftar via Whatsapp dan fast respon. Ketemu dokter via zoom dan on time sesuai waktu yg diberikan. Kalaupun ada obat-obatan yg diresepkan oleh dokter, semua diurus oleh JWCC. Kita hanya tahu beres dan tinggal bayar, pokoknya bener-bener mudah dan praktis.

- Nycta Gina
